Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final day

So at the start of this project i wanted to design an area that was created around four different cultures. I feel i achieved this goal, i have created a scene that encompasses the essence of these cultures. Overall i am happy with my progress in designing a 3D space

So i have compiled everything for hand in tomorrow, everything is fine except one aspect. The packaged version has a few issues, the package project on personal works fine alongside other computers. Yet when i tried to bring my package to university the level is nearly pitch black. The lights are working compared to what they were on other computers is a drastic difference. The level is shown as intended throughout the two videos, yet when packaged and played at university the lighting is a huge issue. Due to this i am going to attach a read me to the hand in folder outlining this problem and exsplaining the reason for the lighting not machine the lighting shown throughout the showreel.In total i have tried running four different packaged versions of the level to try and rectify the lighting. Each

Some of these are improvements yet lack lights in certain areas. (primarily the Egyptian area) I have tried opening the project at uni and packing it there yet have only experienced crashes. This is a huge disappointment at this stage, and i hope it will not affect my marks too much, this issue is the bane of my project for me at this point. If this problem persists I'm tempted to use my own computer at the degree show to have the walk around as the lighting will not be an issue there.

Another issue for my package is the lighting error that shows at the top of the screen this is because some assets i have readjusted due to black marks appearing over a few of them, I believe that this is not due to my work as a lot of the time it is the rocks placed in the Norse area, that suffer from these black spots appearing on the lightmap.

My issues aside i am still thrilled with myself at this point. I am pleased with my newfound knowledge within this practice and I believe this project has gone really well. I am pleased with the video content, alongside all the documentation for my submission but most of all im proud of myself for my own work ethic and I'm impressed at myself and am excited to start my new project.
This is my final blog post, to keep up to date with my work please go to.

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