Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rosetta Stones

Rosetta Stone New Idea for implementation of level

During my process of designing the norse gravestones i came across an artifact known as the rosetta stones. This ancient scripture was a huge discovery a bridged our understanding of how ancient civilisations wrote in there languages. The stone itself is massive and has three primary dialects Egyptian, herbrew and ancient greek, the letters were carved into the stone itself and  the words are ther same in all languages and helped historians of today understand various different scriptures that were used in ancient times.

Rosetta Stone.JPG
The rosetta stone held in the british museum 

"Image of the Rosetta Stone set against a reconstructed image of the original stele it came from, showing 14 missing lines of hieroglyphic text and a group of Egyptian deities and symbols at the top"
Prediction of original design

After lerning about this ancient relic i decided to introduce my own version of this into my level, the languages i will be using are  Ancient egyptian, elder Futhark (old Nordic) Native american pictographs and old english. The rosetta stone in my level  is going to be a complete representation of what this stone could of looked like. The stone i am going to design is more focused around my level and the story of the character throughout his lives, because of this i have translated this text into the various languages i am going to use.

I am the one who stands eternal
I am the cheater of death and life
Hell cannot hold me
Time will not erase me
This is my birth and my death
This is my sanctuary  

I have spent today making a base outline of the stone as if it was still in good condition. The only aspect that is proving difficult is gaining a representation of the native american area. due to there being no writtern language, To rectify this i am going to 

I then added my own artwork to finish off for the native american aspect of the rosetta stone. The Pictograph is taken from a images found on native american language which is depicted in artwork.

Overall i am happy with the adition of the rosetta stone to my asset designs as i think it is a useful and historically accurate. Alongside a very nice historical artifact depicting ancient languages  

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