Sunday, March 1, 2015

Quixel, setting up for environment sculpting, Norse graves and start of boat design

Quixel suite

I recently purchased the program Quixel this is primarily to help with learning to create my own normals the uses of the program are as follows.
  • two programs included
    • DDO
    • NDO

  • Fast and high quality normals
  • 3D previewer of model design
  • A large range of quixel textures

Environment sculpting

I've also set up a base layout in unreal 4 to make my environment sculpting and painting. So that i am ready to start sculpting my environment after my assets are complete.

So far i haven't added normal maps to the textures, and at this moment in time the textures i have chosen are just rough idea to speed up the environment ready for the final parts of the level design process.

Norse Graves

In total a number of these graves will surround the area, In total i will design four more of these i have designed the outlines by hand and am waiting to scan my artwork to design the rest of these graves.

Funeral Boat low poly early stages


  • Mast texture wood texture too light
  • Figurehead wood texture
  • Iron bars
  • Some slight alterations of scale and depth
Unfinished aspects
  • Various maps for each object
  • Sail texture
  • Rope additions at top of and bottom of mask
  • Ring textures at top of ship
  • cloth animation on flag
  • Nails along aspects of the boat
Ideal additions to ship design.
  • Variation of ship texture color 
  • Variations of mast design
  • Three designs of ship mast
  • This week - 
    • full design of normals other maps and texturing the remaining objects
    • Rope design and texture
    • Variations of textures for boat.
  • Next week -
    • Animation for flag and rope
    • Importing animations alpha layers and burn additions

Video Overview of the week

 Other props

Hooks braces and frames have been now added to the base boat, these will add a bit more detail to the boat and also serve as holders for other aspects that will be added. Such as the rope holding the mast together. The frames that are added to the front and back of the boat and have a range of nordic inscriptions and carvings on them.

Work pipeline

Sail rope and rings

Normals and maps


Maya renders (half way point)

Adding curve to base of boat
I changed the structure of the boat and added some curvature to the layout. I felt this was more accurate to a representation of a viking boat. I did this using the deformer tools available in maya. 

 Unreal 4

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